10 best VP
Ns - qu ick menuA vi is a se rtual pr ivate ne twork (VPN) curity to ol that ke eps your de vice (a nd the in formation on it) se cure when you br owse the we b. By en crypting your da ta, a VPN ma kes it un readable to any no sy th ird-parties, li ke cy bercriminals, your in ternet se rvice pr ovider (I SP), and ev en go vernment ag encies. Yo u'll also be as signed a new te mporary IP ad dress. Th is ma kes you lo ok li ke you're in a lo cation of your ch oosing, and is how your VPN can un block ge o-restricted co ntent from around the wo rld. Wh ether it's Netflix sh ows, jygjuoxyaa me dia platforms, or news so urces, you'll have fu ll access.
ere are a lot of VP Ns on the ma rket, ho wever, and so rting the tr ustworthy op tions from the du ds can be a tr icky ta sk. Lu ckily, me and the T3 te am have be en te sting, ev aluating, and re viewing VP Ns for a lo ng ti me. Our test te am has se veral cy ber ex perts, IT pe rsonnel, and us ers who are pa ssionate about on line security.I'
ve co mpared the se curity to ols and features of the best VP Ns on the bl ock, al ong with th eir ap ps, how easy th ey are to use, and th eir pe rformance. I' ve also in vestigated wh ich streaming pl atforms th ey can re liably un block to cu rate this li st of the top 10 VP Ns in 2024 .
pressVPN: the best VPN for just about everyone
ExpressVPN is the cream of the crop. It's super-secure, easy to use, and has apps for every gadget in the house. It's an awesome streaming VPN, too, thanks to servers dotted across 94 countries and lightning-fast speeds.
mittedly, ExpressVPN is more expensive than the competition, but you're getting a premium rpuyzrfiyvaaz in exchange for the price tag. Sign up for a 12-month plan and you'll get a year of cloud storage and 3 extra months of coverage for free—as well as a 30 -day money-back guarantee .
rdVPN: a major player in the VPN world
NordVPN doesn't pull any punches when it comes to digital privacy—you'll be covered by rock-solid encryption designed to keep snoopers at bay. Plus, NordVPN is wickedly fast, and more than capable of keeping up with HD streaming (which is great news for Netflix fans).
ke NordVPN for a test drive by making good use of its 30 -day money-back guarantee , and see how it compares to ExpressVPN.3. Su Surfshark proves that you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for a reliable VPN. It's jam-packed with features and capable of unblocking all your favorite streaming platforms, and I'm constantly recommending Surfshark to VPN newbies thanks to its straightforward apps. rfshark: fast, feature-packed, and affordable
ck up a Surfshark subscription and you'll also get unlimited simultaneous connections—meaning you can cover all of the family's devices with one plan. Try it risk-free with a 30 -day money-back guarantee .Our li
st of the best VPN se rvices in 2024
Why you can tr
We sp
end a lot of time du ring the year te sting and ev aluating VP Ns to he lp you kn ow wh ich on es are the best for se curing your on line ex perience. He re are the top 10 VPN services we re commend ri ght now.The best VPN overall
1. ExpressVPN
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You need a reliable VPN: you get au
to-connect, pr eferred se rvers, and ot her se t-and-forget features.✔️ You wa
nt the best protection: ExpressVPN is our #1 pi ck for a re ason, and it 's because of how se cure it is.✔️ You wa
nt a VPN with servers in lo ts of places: Ex press has servers in more lo cations than mo st VPNs.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ Yo
u're on a budget: ExpressVPN is ex pensive. We re commend NordVPN or Surfshark if you need so mething cheaper.❌ You wa
nt added se curity tools: it doesn't co me with an tivirus li ke NordVPN does.❌ You wa
nt a fa st VPN: its sp eeds are just above av erage. Ch eck out Surfshark for an ul tra-fast VPN.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🔒 ExpressVPN is sa fe, ke eps your co nnections se cured, has a solid ki ll sw itch, and has a no -nonsense pr ivacy po licy. T here's a re ason it 's top in our bo ok, and it 's because of its ov erall security.
nt to le arn more?Re ExpressVPN review to see how it compares to ot her VPN services.
ad ourExpressVPN is st
ill the mo st se cure and best VPN in the in dustry, a sp ot it has ma intains si nce we st arted te sting VPN se rvices. It co ntinues to ma ke qu ick ad justments when ne eded to st ay ah ead of the co mpetition and en sure only the top and best te ch se curity me asures are in corporated into its ap ps. Wh ile ot her VP Ns are cr eeping up, and so me are getting cl ose, no ne have be en ab le to to pple ExpressVPN as our #1 top pi ck for VPN.Th
is VPN co ntinues to gr ow its se rver ne twork. Our la st co unt sh owed ov er 3, 200 se cured servers in 160 different lo cations. Th is is more se rver lo cations than mo st ot her VP Ns, wh ich me ans you wo n't have di fficulties fi nding an open and fa st se rver in your pr eferred ar ea. Si nce th ere are ExpressVPN servers in ov er 94 co untries, this is a good VPN for traveling.▶ Try ExpressVPN and get 3 extra months and a year of cloud storage free
For unblocking ge
o-restricted co ntent, ExpressVPN is one of the be st. Th ere is n't a lot that can st op it, so it 's a ha ndy to ol for ta pping into we bsites that are bl ocked if you're tr aveling in Ch ina, Ru ssia, or ot her countries that te nd to re strict ac cess to co ntent. It's fa irly good for unblocking tv streaming se rvices, too, th ough we did find a few that we re troublesome.Du Am , azon Prime Di , and HBO Ma sney Plus x. It un blocked Au stralia dn Ja pan Ne tflix, but it wa sn't al ways su ccessful with ei ther the US or UK si tes. We we re ne ver ab le to un block Netflix Ca nada. If you need a Netflix VPN, we re commend No rdVPN. NordVPN op ens all re gions of this streaming service.
ring our streaming te sts, mo st services we re ea sily un blocked. Th is includedAn
other st icky po int for ExpressVPN is its co nnection sp eeds. At 560 Mb ps, it 's ce rtainly fa st en ough to su pport streaming in 4K and ev en to rrenting. Ho wever, this is far from being the fa stest V PN. NordVPN cl ocks a hi gh sp eed of 820 Mp bs wh ile Surfshark to ps th em all with 960 Mbps.Of
fering so me of the best su pport, both with its 24 /7 te am and ex cellent on line gu ides, new su bscribers to ExpressVPN will be nefit from the added re assurance of its risk-free 30 -day money-back gu arantee on top of 3 months fr ee and on e-year of Ba ckblaze cloud storage.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Ea | sy, un cluttered, and in tuitively designed⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useAu | to-connect fu nctions and good for beginners⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Sl | ower than we 'd li ke to se e, but st ill good for streaming and torrenting⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | St | ruggles with so me po pular Netflix re gions ev erything el se is a br eeze to access⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyThe best and mo | st se cure VPN period⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportEx | cellent, he lpful, and av ailable an ytime you need it⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Mo | re expensive than mo st ot her VPN services⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Be st VPN with antivirus
2. NordVPN
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt top security: NordVPN comes with an tivirus and ad bl ocking, pl us do uble-encrypts your da ta by pa ssing it th rough two servers.✔️ You wa
nt to wa tch Netflix: this VPN un blocks Netflix in every re gion, in cluding Ca nada and Japan.✔️ You need a fa
st VPN: No rdVPN's sp eeds le ave ExpressVPN in the dust.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt a si mple interface: the in teractive map ca uses the app to lo ok cl uttered and fe el overwhelming.❌ You need VPN for mu
ltiple devices: mobile apps work be tter than de sktop on es. ExpressVPN is good with all de vices, though.❌ You need a la
rger se rver network: PIA has ov er 20 ,000 servers wh ile Surfshark has servers in more countries.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐½🔒 NordVPN is se cure, pr ivate, and an ov erall great va lue, pl us it un blocks every Netflix se rvice. It's not the gr eatest for new us ers, though.
nt to le arn more?Ch NordVPN review to re ad de tails of wh at we le arned du ring te sting, how well its an tivirus wo rks, and how it compares to our top pick.
eck out ourNordVPN is the cl
osest co mpetitor to ExpressVPN and wh ile it ha sn't be en ab le to to pple the VPN ki ng just ye t, it st ill has a great nu mber of features and fu nctions un ique to No rdVPN. To be gin wi th, it se nds your da ta th rough two servers to do uble en crypt that in formation. No one go ing to be ab le to tr ace your on line ac tivity ba ck to yo u. NordVPN also has du al ki ll sw itches, just in ca se one fa ils. But our te sts sh ow that both are qu ick, so lid, and work.Th
is VPN gives you a few extra on line se curity to ols. Fi rst, it has an tivirus so ftware. Th is pa rticular to ol doesn't st op th reats co ming th rough your ne twork or USB dr ives, but it do es keep ma lware fi les from do wnloading from we bsites and ot her on line ar eas. it also st ops you from vi siting a we bsite that is kn own to hi de ma lware. NordVPN also in cludes an ad bl ocker. Th is st rips mo st of the ads from the we bsites you visit.▶ Try NordVPN and get added se curity with an tivirus and ad blocking
moving ads me ans co mpanies can't see that you're th ere and bo ther you with ad ditional ad vertisements on ce you le ave. But more im portantly, so me cy ber cr iminals hi de ma lware fi les in an ad so when you cl ick the rc ahlvysrtppof the fi le is do wnloaded and your co mputer be comes in fected. Us ing No rdVPN's ad bl ocker cu ts do wn the ri sk of ac cidentally cl icking on a ma licious file.One big be
nefit of using NordVPN is being ab le to work around ge o-restrictions, es pecially with streaming se rvices. NordVPN to ps our best Netflix VPN li st because it doesn't have a pr oblem gi ving ac cess to all Netflix re gions. Ot her VP Ns st ruggle with one or tw o, us ually in Ja pan or Ca nada. NordVPN op ens th em al l. It also un blocks ot her po pular streaming si tes in cluding Am azon Pr ime, Di sney Plus, and the BBC iPlayer.NordVPN has a co
ol in teractive map to he lp you find the best of its 5, 670 servers to co nnect to. Th is is a ne at fe ature, but it ta kes up a lot of ro om on the vi ew sc reen, fe els ov erwhelming, and is n't the ea siest to na vigate, es pecially for new VPN us ers. Th ere are di fferences be tween the mobile app and the de sktop ap ps, wh ich can ca use so me di sconnect. If you're new to VPN, we re commend st arting with a si mpler app li ke Surfshark or CyberGhost un til you fe el more confident.Ov
erall, NordVPN is a great va lue and mu ch ch eaper than Ex pressVPN. You get great de als as a new us er, and co ntinue you to get great de als if you co mmit to its 2- year subscription plan. NordVPN le ts you try out its services risk-free with its 30 -day money-back guarantee.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Be | autifully de signed, but a bit busy⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useThe in | teractive map is big and ca uses so me af pszeflret issues⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | A fast, reliable VPN | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | Un | blocks all re gions of Netflix and ot her po pular streaming sites⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyVe | ry se cure and in cludes ma lware pr otection and ad blocking⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportFr | iendly, he lpful, and al ways available⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | A good ba | lance be tween a good va lue and the nu mber of se curity to ols included⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Be st cheap VPN
3. Surfshark
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt a fa st VPN: Surfshark is at the top of the fa stest VPN li st with its top sp eed of 960 Mbps.✔️ Yo
u're new to VPN: the apps are si mple and so easy to figure ou t, and it doesn't have a lot to configure.✔️ Yo
u're on a budget: it 's ch eap, but with all the pe rks in cluded, Surfshark is also an ex cellent value.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt a li ttle more protection: we saw so me ki ll sw itch is sues du ring testing.❌ You wa
nt a pe rsonalized VPN experience: this is as cl ose to a pl ug-and-play VPN as you'll ge t. Try Private Internet Access for im pressive cu stomization options.❌ You need to torrent: th
ough it can be do ne with Su rfshark, it doesn't have the sa me de dication to this ta sk as PIA or NordVPN.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐½🔒 Surfshark is fast, has servers in more countries wo rldwide than mo st VPN se rvices, is great for be ginners, and is the best cheap VPN out there.
nt to le arn more?Our Surfshark review go es into more de tail about its ki ll sw itch is sues, wh ich apps we 've se en it ha ppen wi th, and if it 's so mething you need to be co ncerned about.
Surfshark ea
rns a top sp ot on our VPN li st because it 's fast, us es a hi gh-encryption le vel, and is ch eap. It is n't co mplicated to use, ei ther, so it 's one of the VP Ns we re commend if you're a VPN be ginner. Th ere is n't a lot that ne eds to be co nfigured, In fa ct, it doesn't al low for mu ch cu stomization at al l. It's as cl ose to a pl ug-and-play VPN as you'll get.Wh
en it comes to sp eed, Surfshark can't be to uched. In our sp ed te sts it re ached an av erage sp eed of 960 Mb ps. To put this into pe rspective, you need only 14 Mb ps to st ream Netflix in hi gh-definition (H D) wi thout bu ffering. Surfshark is so fa st you can have everyone in the ho use wa tching Netflix at the sa me time and ne ver ex perience sl owdown. In fa ct, Surfshark is one of the few VP Ns that don't cap how ma ny devices or co nnections you can have.▶ Try Su rfshark, the ch eapest VPN and be st-value VPN
For unblocking ge PlayStation , and tv streaming devices like Ap and Ro ple TV ku. Wi th its fa st sp eeds, Surfshark ea sily su pports on line ga ming, too.
o-restricted co ntent, it he lps that Surfshark has servers in 100 co untries. It un locks tv streaming services with ea se, in cluding mo st Netflix re gions, Am azon Pr ime, and Di sney Pl us. It wo rks on Xb ox andSurfshark su
pports P2P tr ansfers and has sp lit tu nneling. Ho wever, it doesn't fo cus a lot on to rrenting to ols and ta sks. So, wh ile it can be do ne using Su rfshark, we re commend Private Internet Access for to rrenting. PIA fo cuses he avily on to rrents and has more to ols and co nfiguration op tions for th is. Private Internet Access also co nfigures all of its servers for to rrenting wh ereas Surfshark doesn't.Th
is VPN us es the hi ghest le vel of en cryption, AES 26 5-bit. Th is is the sa me le vel used by mi litaries and ba nks to se cure th eir in formation. Wh en we te sted Su rfshark, we saw that it di dn't al low any DNS le aks wh ile the VPN was co nnected. Ho wever, th ere we re so me in termittent is sues with the ki ll sw itch du ring our Wi ndows te sting. So metimes the sw itch tu rned on but di dn't no tify us that the VPN co nnection had dr opped. We di dn't see any le aks with the ki ll sw itch en gaged, but ev en mi nor is sues with a ki ll sw itch gi ve us pa use for wh at bi gger pr oblem co uld ha ppen when using it.Surfshark is the ch
eapest VPN and the best va lue because of the nu mber of to ols you ge t, its unblocking ca pabilities, pl us its wo rldwide se rver ne twork. It's our pi ck for new us ers and comes with a 30 -day money-back gu arantee so you can try it out.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Si | mple, de tailed, and good looking⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useOne of the best for beginners | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Fa | ster than any of our top VPN picks⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | St | ruggles with one or two si tes, but ov erall is good for streaming⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyKi | ll sw itch is sues on Wi ndows, pl us its an tivirus is n't one we 'd recommend⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportA he | althy li brary of on line su pport ar ticles, but it is n't easy to find the one you need⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | The ch | eapest VPN and the best ov erall de al th at's ha rd to beat⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Be st to rrenting VPN
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt to re main to tally private: PIA has be en ch allenged in co urt tw ice and both ti mes pr oved its no -logs policy.✔️ You need a to
rrenting VPN: all 20 ,000+ servers are designed to su pport to rrents, pl us it has po rt-forwarding and split-tunneling.✔️ You wa
nt a Li nux VPN: PIA has one of the best GUI Li nux apps.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You need an easy VPN: we don't re
commend this VPN for be ginners because of the co nfiguration ne eded. Try Surfshark instead.❌ You wa
nt fa st co nnection speeds: ov erall, PIA lo gged lo wer-than-average co nnection speeds.❌ You wa
nt a fr ee VPN: this se rvice doesn't have a fr ee ve rsion. Proton VPN has one of the best that ev en wo rks with Linux.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐½🔒 Private Internet Access is our pi ck for to rrenting and Li nux us ers. We don't re commend it for new us ers because th ere is a lot to co nfigure and can qu ickly be come ov erwhelming if you don't kn ow wh at you're doing.
nt to le arn more?Re Private Internet Access review to see wh at ot her features are in cluded to he lp with torrenting.
ad thisPrivate Internet Access (P
IA) has Sm art DN S, wh ich al lows you to set up the VPN on sm art TVs and ga ming co nsoles. It has one of the best Li nux apps using a gr aphical user in terface (G UI), pl us is great for mobile gi ving fu ll ac cess to every to ol fo und in its de sktop applications.Th
is VPN ta kes pr ivacy se riously. It us es mi litary-grade en cryption, but also so lemnly sw ears to ne ver log your pe rsonal in formation or on line mo vements. It ne ver gives in formation about its us ers to go vernment ag encies, in ternet pr oviders, co mpany pa rtners, or law en forcement. PI A's pr ivacy po licy has be en ch allenged in co urt tw ice. Bo th ti mes it pr oved just how pr ivate it ke eps your information.▶ Try Private Internet Access and tap into one of its 20 ,000 se cure servers
Its features are ex
tensive. Its ki ll sw itch is so lid, but it also has co okie cl eaning and pr otections for both your de vice's we bcam and mi crophone. One of PI A's best tr aits is its in ternational se rver ne twork. No ot her VPN has the nu mber of servers Private Internet Access do es - th at's 20 ,000 and gr owing. On top of th at, PIA co nfigures ea ch one to su pport to rrenting and streaming.PIA is our pi
ck for to rrenting because of its to ols li ke po rt-forwarding and sp lit-tunneling, and the nu mber of cu stomizations you can ma ke for to rrenting. For tv st reaming, this VPN un blocks Netflix in the US, Am azon Pr ime, Hu lu, and Di sney Plus.Be
cause of the am ount of se tup and co nfiguration in this VPN cl ient, it is n't the best for be ginners. Th ere's just too mu ch and it 's easy to get lo st in the app and ov erwhelmed. But for se asoned VPN pr os, this is wh at you need to cr eate the pr ecise VPN ex perience you want.PI
A's ot her do wnfall is its sp eed. T hey are ce rtainly fa st en ough to su pport tv streaming and to rrenting. Ho wever, at 510 Mb ps, it 's below the in dustry av erage of 560 Mb ps. Wh at's mo re, Surfshark has it be at with a top sp eed of 960 Mbps.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Lo | ts of cu stomization, th ough it lo oks si mple and basic⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useNot a good ch | oice for new VPN us ers, great for se asoned pros⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Av | erage sp eeds, not easy to use⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | Th | ousands of servers wo rldwide and ea ch one op timized to su pport to rrenting and streaming⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacySe | llar se curity and a pr ivacy po licy that has be en pr oven in co urt twice⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportEx | cellent on line su pport articles and he lpful ag ent av ailable to ch at 24/7⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Gr | eat ov erall va lue for the price⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Be st fr ee VPN
5. Proton VPN
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt a fr ee VP N: Proton VPN doesn't put a us age cap on its fr ee version.✔️ You need extra pr
ivacy: in ad dition to a solid no -logs po licy, Proton VPN le ts you pay for its services with Bi tcoin and ev en cash.✔️ You wa
nt a de eper lo ok: all Proton VPN apps are op en-source so you can see if th ere is an ything fi shy go ing on.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You need li
ghtning sp eeds: it 's fa st en ough to su pport mo st ta sks, but Surfshark is al most two ti mes faster.❌ You need lo
ts of se rver lo cations: it 's getting be tter and co ntinually ad ding more se rvers, but Proton VPN st ill fa lls behind our top VPN picks.❌ Yo
u're looking for a good va lue: th ough it has a good feature se t, Proton VP N's pa id apps are ex pensive. You can find be tter pr otection and a bi gger feature set with NordVPN at a mu ch lo wer cost.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐½🔒 Proton VPN of fers a de cent fr ee ve rsion with unlimited ba ndwidth to let you de cide if it 's wo rth up grading. Its pa id su bscriptions in clude extra features in cluding unblocking tv streaming services.
nt to le arn more?Our Proton VPN review go es into more de tail about wh at is li mited in its fr ee VPN and the be nefit of up grading to a pa id version.
Proton VPN has a mighty fr that doesn't put a cap on how ma ee VPN ny devices you can use it on and gives you ac cess to 64 servers in th ree co untries. Th ough you can't un block tv streaming si tes with the fr ee ap p, you st ill get great pr otection and AES 26 5-bit encryption of your in formation, a solid ki ll sw itch, and covered by its no -logs policy.
For pa
ying us ers, Proton VPN ups its se rver ne twork to 2, 900 servers in 67 co untries. You also get so me li mited an tivirus pr otection, ad bl ockers, and a pa ssword ma nager. Yo u're also al lowed to pay for your subscription with Bi tcoin or ev en ca sh to re main co mpletely anonymous.▶ Try Proton VPN for fr ee wi thout a da ta cap
eeds are on the sl ow si de if you use the Wi reGuard pr otocol. We only got up to 510 Mb ps in our te sts, wh ich is below av erage. Op enVPN sp eeds, ho wever, we re im pressively fa st at 440 Mb ps, ne arly do uble wh at we ex pect to see using this pr otocol. Bo th are fa st en ough to su pport TV streaming.Du
ring our unblocking te sts, Proton VPN un locked Netflix in the US, UK, Au stralia, and Ca nada, It also let us wa tch sh ows on our Am azon Pr ime, Di sney Pl us and BBC iP layer ac counts. Ot her ge o-restricted we bsites ar en't a pr oblem for Proton VPN to get to, wh ich ma kes it a good VPN to have if you tr avel overseas.A good one for th
ose us ers with a more te chnical un derstanding, Proton VPN has qu ite in -depth on line su pport articles - th ough this co uld be a dr awback for th ose not qu ite so te ch-savvy. You can al ways try it out by in itially si gning up for its li mited fr ee pl an, be fore sp lashing out on one of the pa id-for plans.Proton VPN is expensive if you ch
oose a pa id ap p. Wh ile you do get a be tter de al if you si gn up for its 24 -month pl an, this is st ill ne arly do uble wh at you wo uld pay for Su rfshark's 2- year plan. You do get a 30 -day money-back gu arantee if you wa nt to try out the fu ll Proton VPN app.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | A st | unning, dark mo de design⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of usePr | etty easy on mo bile, more co mplex on desktop⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Lo | ts of va riation be tween ap ps, and lo wer speeds⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | Fr | ee ve rsion doesn't al low bl ocking, pa id ve rsion un blocks a lot⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyVe | ry se cure with mi litary-grade en cryptione articles are helpful⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportIt's not easy to get a ho | ld of live su pport, but on line articles are helpful⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | The fr | ee plan is gr eat, pa id su bscriptions are on the pr icy side⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Be st of the rest
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ Yo
u're new to VPN: CyberGhost is ve ry si mple to use wi thout a lot of set up ne eded making it a pe rfect ch oice for new users.✔️ You need time to decide: ot
her VP Ns gi ve you a 30 -day re fund pe riod. CyberGhost gives you 45 da ys to de cide if it 's ri ght for you.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt to st ream Di sney Plus: this si te is a st ruggle for CyberGhost to un block, th ough it doesn't have the sa me is sue with ot her streaming sites.❌ You wa
nt good su pport in your corner: you can re ach out to ag ents via ch at, but ot her su pport av enues ar en't as in -depth as we 'd li ke to see.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐🔒 CyberGhost is ex cellent for new us ers because of its si mple in terface and in tuitive la yout, pl us you get a 45 -day money-back gu arantee to try it out.
nt to le arn more?Our in-depth CyberGhost review gives you more about the zi odqifppoldv and vz usdagktosyj of using this VPN service.
CyberGhost may be Ro
manian and Ge rman-based, but it 's a ve ry in ternationally used VPN. I re cently ga ve a he fty bo ost to its ne twork of se rvers, wh ich is now up to ov er 9, 260 across 91 countries.For new VPN us
ers, this is a great VPN to st art wi th. It's si mple to use with a cl ear in terface that wo n't ov erwhelm you with too mu ch on the da shboard. It do es have a few se ttings you can co nfigure when you're re ady to da bble. Bu t, ov erall, it doesn't re quire a lot to get it up and ru nning, and you get great pr otection from the start.▶ Try CyberGhost VPN with a 45 -day money-back guarantee
It has a su
per ef fective ki ll sw itch, wh ich is pr etty ha ndy in te rms of se curity, al ongside a st ream of ex cellent, re putable fe atures, in cluding blocks on ma licious we bsites, ad s, and tr ackers. With both Wi reGuard and Op enVPN pr otocols in cluded, your da ta will be hi ghly en crypted with AES 26 5-bit en cryption, the mo st secure.CyberGhost st
ill has im pressive sp eeds, th ough we did see it dip from 850 Mb ps using Wi reGuard in ea rlier te sts to 730 Mb ps in our la test ro und. St ill, it 's co nsidered one of the fa stest and ce rtainly fa st en ough to su pport to rrenting, tv st reaming, and ev en ga meplay. Its Op enVPN pr otocol sp eeds have be come fa ster and lo gged a hi gher-than-average sp eed of 400 Mb ps in our la test sp eed tests.If you're af
ter a good streaming un blocker, CyberGhost ci rcumvents ge o-restrictions on US Ne tflix, Pr ime Vi deo, BBC iP layer, and HBO Ma x. Its in novative fi ltering sy stem au tomatically di splays su itable servers for wh at you're af ter – for ex ample, to rrenting or streaming using a VPN. In the pa st CyberGhost was ab le to open Di sney Plus, but our la test te sts sh owed it now st ruggles to un block this service.The sp
eedy live ch at su pport is also pr etty ha ndy for an yone wh o's a VPN ne wbie or has any qu estions or qu eries, th ough its su pport si te co uld do with so me work if it wa nts to cl imb up the ra nkings and jo in the big bo ys. CyberGhost do es le ad the ch arge with its 45 -day money-back guarantee.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Be | autiful, ni ce de tails, in tuitive, and ea sily customiz⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useOne of the best for beginners | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | De | cent sp eeds su pport all VPN tasks⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | De | dicated streaming se rvers, but st ruggles with Di sney+ and so me Netflix regions⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyRe | liable and au dited by in dependent au diting co mpany Deloitte⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportLa | cking in the on line su pport ar ea, but ag ents are he lpful th rough live chat⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Co | mpetitive pr ices and an ov erall great deal⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
7. IPVanish
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt your id entity to re main private: this VPN se rvice has a no -logs po licy that is in dependently au dited and al ways passes.✔️ You need lo
ts of connections: IPVanish doesn't put a cap on how ma ny devices or simultaneous co nnections you can have.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt a se amless experience: it wo rks with se veral de vices, but IPVanish has va riations in its apps and the de sktop ve rsion has us ability issues.❌ You need a streaming VPN: lo
ts of tv si tes are ac cessible with IP Vanish, but th ere are st ill ma ny, li ke mo st Netflix re gions, that re main blocked.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐🔒 IPVanish is fast, se cure, and ke eps your in formation pr ivate, pl us al lows in dependent au dits to pr ove it. Th ere are so me us ability is sues and it doesn't un block so me streaming services.
nt to le arn more?Re IPVanish review to le arn more about the in dependent au dits of its pr ivacy po licy, se curity features in cluded, and its GUI Li nux app.
ad ourFor th
ose who lo ve a good map in terface when it comes to th eir se rvers, IPVanish de livers one of the best map de signs, with a bu nch of st atus in formation for you to get a ha ndle on. Th is is es pecially for th ose who pr efer a more in -depth re ading on th eir VPN pr ovider, li ke cu rrent co nnection speeds.IPVanish has fe
wer servers in its ne twork than mo st ot her pr oviders. But don't let its 2, 200 servers fo ol yo u. It ho sts more than 40 ,000 IP ad dresses, so you can't be ea sily tr acked or di scovered using a VPN by your de vice's IP ad dress. Su bscribers get unlimited pe er-to-peer sh aring and as ma ny simultaneous co nnections as you can ha ndle - it 's a VPN with so me se rious credentials.▶ Try IPVanish and be covered by its 30 -day money-back guarantee
is se rvice ma nages to su stain its re putation as one of the mo st sp eedy VP Ns thanks to its Wi reGuard in frastructure of fering re sults of 88 0-890Mbps. Th is do es see a sl ight dr op from our la st ro und of te sting - and Surfshark has tr umped it with a 960 Mb ps pe ak - but this pe rformance is st ill ex ceptional. Sp eeds using the Op enVPN pr otocol are below av erage, so this may not be the best one to use with IPVanish.For ke
en st reamers, IPVanish may not be your first ch oice de pending on wh at you wa nt to wa tch, but we have se en so me good pr ogress in this ar ea. It st ill st ruggles to un block Netflix in mo st ar eas, th ough it do es gi ve you ac cess to US Ne tflix. It also un locks Di sne Plus, BBC iP layer, C4, and IT V. PV anish now un blocks Am azon Prime.IPVanish en
crypts your da ta using only the hi ghest, mi litary-grade le vel, and its ki ll sw itch is reliable if your VPN co nnection dr ops. Yo u're also pr otected by its no -logs pr ivacy po licy. IP VPanish al lows in -depth in dependent au dits of all its services to pr ove its ov erall se curity. It co nsistently pa sses, and if an ything un nerving is fo und, IPVanish qu ickly fi xes it. Th is doesn't ha ppen of ten at al l, so re st as sured you're well pr otected using this VPN.As with mo
st VPN se rvices, IPVanish do esn’t of fer a fr ee tr ial, but th ere is st ill a 30 -day money-back gu arantee if the se rvice do esn’t live up to your ex pectations. Its an nual pl ans have dr opped a bit in pr ice, but are st ill on the expensive si de. If you de cide to re new af ter your first year of se rvice, the an nual co st sk yrockets so hi gh that it is n't wo rth it.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Co | mplicated, but lo oks co ol and edgy⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useCo | mplex for ev en zi odqifppoldv to figure out⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Ve | ry fast, es pecially when using WireGuard⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | Mo | st ev erything is ea sily accessible⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyDe | ep and th orough audits⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportSu | pport articles ar en't he lpful and mo st on a sp ecific to pic just repeat⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Ve | ry expensive if you ch oose to review⭐⭐⭐ |
8. Hide.me
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt a fa st VPN: Hide.me has sp eeds of 880 Mb ps. Surfshark is the only VPN th at's faster.✔️ You wa
nt to st ream your favorite shows: this VPN un blocks all the po pular streaming si tes, pl us su pports hi gh-definition and 4K streaming.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt an au dited VPN: it has be en au dited in the pa st, but not si nce 2015.❌ Yo
u're new to VPN: the apps are a bit co mplex, so we re commend Surfshark for new users.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐⭐🔒 Hide.me is fast, un blocks streaming si tes in so ma ny re gions, and wo rks on Am azon Fi re and ot her streaming de vices. We just wi shed it co uld pr ovide a more re cent audit.
nt to le arn more?This Hide.me review gives more in formation on how it was te sted the pl ethora of streaming si tes it un blocks, and its lo ng li st of co nfiguration options.
Hide.me is go
ing from st rength to st rength si nce its ar rival on our best li st at the end of 20 21, of fering an ex cellent to ol that of fers a few key de velopments that see it st aking its cl aim as one of the best VP Ns. Bo asting a ge nerous fr ee op tion, too, this co uld be a great st epping st one for th ose new to VPN and looking for one to gi ve a whirl.Hu
gely co nfigurable, you can ch oose be tween a nu mber of pr otocols, in cluding Op enVPN and IK Ev2. But its Wi reGuard sp eeds are wh ere it st ood out this ti me, with pe rformance pe aks of 90 0Mbps. Th is pl aces it ri ght behind Surfshark in our sp eed te sting, wh ich is an im pressive fe at in deed. Yo u'll also find po rt fo rwarding, as well as le ak ch ecks for DN S, IP, and the li ke, and a ge nerous 10 GB mo nthly us age al lowance with its fr ee offering.Hide.me is a great op
tion for unblocking streaming pl atforms. Ov er the la st few ye ars, we 've se en it st ruggle to work around streaming re strictions to un block ev erything in cluding Ne tflix, Am azon, and BBC iP layer. for UK and Au stralian us ers, you can wa tch your favorite sh ows on 10 Play, 9 No w, IT V, and All4.Hide.me has Mu
ltiHop VPN that le ts you ro ute your co nnection th rough two servers making it ea sier to work around ge o-restrictions, and pr oviding extra pr ivacy. It's im possible for tr ackers to find out who you are or the de vice you're using with your se rver ho p. Yo ur in fo will be en crypted using AES 26 5-bit en cryption, the mo st se cure le vel av ailable. Th is VPN do es have a no -logs po licy, but un fortunately, it doesn't al low in dependent au dits, so it 's to ugh to ve rify th ese cl aims. It's also wo rth no ting we did ex perience so me ki ll sw itch ni ggles du ring testing.Wh
en we st opped a se rver co nnection, Hi de.me's ki ll sw itch en gaged for a br ief mo ment, but th en as sumed we we re do ne using the VPN and dr opped the ki ll sw itch al together. We we re ex posed for a few se conds wh ile we co nnected to a new VPN se rver. In th eory, mo st us ers are do ne af ter di sconnecting a VPN co nnection, but we don't see this sa me is sue with ot her VP Ns that wa it a bit lo nger be fore di sabling its ki ll sw itch, just to ma ke su re we re ally are done.The we
bsite is n't the best (t hough if you can ta lk to an ac tual hu man be ing, you'll be be tter of f), and for so me, the in terface may pr ove too co mplex if you're a ne wbie to VPN. Th at sa id, it 's st ill a cl ean and sm ooth one to work with and is de finitely one to ch eck out if you're at all en ticed by its fr ee offering.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Mac app is underpowered | ⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useNot the best for be | ginners, great for VPN pros⭐⭐ |
Performance | Fa | st speeds⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | So | me in consistencies in unblocking streaming sites⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyHi | gh-level of en cryption, but has a ki ll sw itch is sue and no re cent audits⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportBo | th su pport articles and live ch at are good enough⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | De | cent va lue if you ch oose a lo nger plan⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
9. Windscribe
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You wa
nt to see the source co de: Wi ndowscribe us es open so urce, so you can see and su ggest fi xes to its program.✔️ You need to pr
otect a lot of de vices: this VPN doesn't li mit the nu mber of simultaneous co nnections, so you can co nnect every de vice in your house.Do
n't follow:❌ You wa
nt an au dited VP N: this se rvice doesn't al low pr oper, in dependent audits.❌ You wa
nt lo nger to de cide to use it: the fr ee app is ve ry li mited, so if you wa nt to try the pa id subscription you only have 3 da ys to ask for a refund.Bo
ttom li ne: ⭐⭐⭐⭐🔒 Windscribe has so me co ol fe atures, li ke a se rver in An tarctica, unblocking se veral tv streaming se rvices, and le tting everyone vi ew its source co de. It just doesn't al low au dits and doesn't gi ve you a good re fund window.
nt to le arn more?Ta Windscribe review to see the ch anges it 's ma de si nce our la st test cy cle, and how it co mpared to ot her, fa st VPNs.
ke a lo ok at ourWindscribe is a great op iOS , and Android , and the se rvice also of fers br owser ad d-ons with us eful features su ch as ad -blocking. In fa ct, its Ch rome br owser is one of the best we 've tested.
tion for th ose looking to av oid sp ending a pe nny with its ge nerous 10 GB fr ee plan. Th ere are apps for Wi ndows, Mac,It of
fers unlimited de vice co nnections that al low the fr eedom to si mply add Windscribe to your ga dgets as you go, ne ver ha ving to th ink about how ma ny you're al ready using it on. If yo u’re looking to pr otect the da ta from a wh ole bu nch of devices - an of fice, pe rhaps, or just a sm art home - the su pport for unlimited co nnections is a re al st and-out feature.▶ Try Windscribe for fr ee and get 10 GB of us age per month
In te
rms of sp eed, its pe rformance has im proved. It ju mped from an av erage of 490 Mb ps, su bstantially below the av erage for a VPN, to an im pressive 700 Mb ps. Th is is fa st en ough to su pport to rrenting, st reaming, and on line ga ming. It also pu shed Windscribe up cl oser to the top of the fa stest VPN list.For tv st
reaming, Windscribe do es a good job of unblocking N etflix in all re gions ex cept Ja pan, Am azon Pr ime, Di sney Plus, and BBC iP layer. Th is VPN wo rks with Am azon Fi re so you can wa tch on the big screen ra ther than a sm all de vice. Windscribe also wo rks with Ko di TV and routers.Windscribe doesn't have the la
rgest se rver ne twork. In fa ct, it only has 400 to tal servers wo rldwide. Co mpared to Ex pressVPN, wh ich has 3, 200, and PI A, wh ich has ov er 20 ,000, this is ve ry mi nimal. It do es have a vi rtual se rver in An tarctica if you wa nt to lo ok li ke you're br owsing from th ere. Ot herwise, you are ve ry li mited, es pecially si nce th ese servers are sp read th in be tween 69 countries.Wh
en you ma ke the le ap from fr ee to its pa id-for se rvice, Windscribe al lows you a ton of op tions here, to o. Get a mo nthly or an nual pl an, or ev en bu ild your ow n. If you're not fu lly sa tisfied with its pa id su bscription, Windscribe only has a 3- day money-back gu arantee, so be su re to use it qu ickly to de cide if it 's wo rth keeping.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Cl | uttered de spite the ge nerally si mple layout⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useA bit co | mplicated for new users⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | Av | erage sp eeds, no thing too impressive⭐⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | In | consistent unblocking Netflix Ja pan, but th at's it⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyOp | en so urce, hi gh en cryption, de cent pr ivacy po licy, no audits⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportNo live ch | at, but do es re spond qu ickly to em ail requests⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Fr | ee plan is gr eat, premium is expensive⭐⭐⭐ |
10. Hotspot Shield
asons to buyRe
asons to avoidSu
bscribe if:✔️ You need a Ch
rome VPN: this one has a br owser ex tension for Ch rome that is si mple to use.✔️ You wa
nt a si mple VPN experience: doesn't get mu ch si mpler than Hotspot Shield.Do
n't su bscribe if:❌ You wa
nt to ac cess tv streaming ou tside of the US: ot her than iP layer and 9N ow, Hotspot Shield doesn't open mu ch el se. ExpressVPN do es, though.❌ You need to
p-notch security: th ough it us es hi gh encryption le vels, its ki ll sw itch has so me is sues on Windows.Bo
ttom li ne ⭐⭐⭐½🔒 Hotspot Shield has a good Ch rome VPN br owser ex tension that is easy to en able wh ile on line. Th ere are so me is sues with pr ivacy, but it is an easy VPN to get st arted with.
Re Hotspot Shield review to le arn more about its unblocking se rvices, P2P tr ansfer ab ility, and Ch rome extension.
ad ourFor th
ose who wa nt to put a VPN th rough the wr inger be fore co mmitting, Hotspot Shield is a great sh out with its co mpletely fr ee VPN se rvice. Wh ile it has dr opped off in so me ar eas of its pe rformance, for ma ny it will st ill be a reliable VPN to have in your ar senal with a de cent streaming se rvice unblocking tr ack re cord, a po werful Wi ndows ki ll sw itch, and a great va lue bu ndle that lo ads you up with a ca ll bl ocker and pa ssword manager.It has a great se
lection of apps to lo ad on to your ch osen devices in cluding a CLI Li nux and ro uter ap ps. We have cl ocked so me in consistencies across ap ps, with its mobile cl ients mi ssing out on key fe atures. Th is is n't un heard of in the VPN in dustry, but more and more the top VPN services are en suring all th eir apps have the sa me to ol set and user experience.▶ Get st arted by tr ying Hotspot Shield for free
In te streaming VPN , Hotspot doesn't do too ba dly in this ar ea. Yo u'll be ab le to ac cess BBC iP layer, Am azon Pr ime Vi deo, Di sney Plus, Yo uTube, and a bu nch of ot her si tes. Ho wever, for Netflix bi ngers, th ere are st ronger, more co nsistent VP Ns out th ere, sp ecifically No rdVPN. Al so, po pular ch annels in the UK and Au stralia, ot her than BBC iP layer, can't be un blocked with Hotspot Shield,
rms of fu nctioning as a greatHotspot Shield was on
ce one of the fa stest VP Ns. Ov er the la st few ye ars, ho wever, we 've se en it dr op. Our la test sp eed te sts saw it re ach a pe ak of 375 Mb ps. Th is is ce rtainly fa st en ough to su pport streaming in hi gh-definition and ev en 4K but is st ill so mu ch sl ower than the in dustry av erage of 550 Mb ps. Si nce it 's lo gged lo wer sp eeds be fore, we see Hotspot Shield making im provements in this ar ea. It st ill has a lo ng way to go to re ach Su rfshark's 960 Mb ps, or ev en NordVPN at 820 Mbps.It's wo
rth no ting Hotspot is ba sed in the US, and so re quired to co llect so me in formation on its us ers. Ho wever, this is mi nimal and wh at it co llects can't be ti ed ba ck to your ac tivity, so we 've got no re al qu alms about it. But Private Internet Access is also US -based and has pr oven its ab solute no -log po licy in co urt tw ice, so we kn ow th ere are wa ys for Hotspot Shield to do be tter in this area.Af
ter gi ving the fr ee app a wh irl, Hotspot Shield has so me de cent su bscriptions when you're re ady to up grade. Its mo nth-to-month pa ckage is more expensive than mo st, but you do get a de cent de al if you ch oose its 3- year su bscription. Hotspot Shield gives you a he althy 45 -day money-back gu arantee to gi ve you en ough time to de cide if its pa id of fering is ri ght for you.Attributes | Notes | Rating |
Design | Si | mple la yout, but th ere are de finite bu gs that need work⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Ea | se of useMi | ssing to ols and new features don't work qu ite right⭐⭐⭐ |
Performance | The sl | owest sp eeds of the VP Ns on our list⭐⭐ |
Unblocking | Un | blocks Netflix and ot her po pular streaming sites⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Se | curity and privacyKi | ll sw itch is sues on so me devices⭐⭐⭐ |
Cu | stomer supportLi | ve ch at is th ere but not al ways available⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Price | Not the mo | st expensive se rvice, but not a good va lue with the few to ols you get⭐⭐ |
How to ch oose the best VPN
Ch fr . Put sh ee VPN ve rsus a pa id-for provider ort, do n’t just lo ok at the pr ice, not le ast because ma ny services of fer ma ssive di scounts if you take out a lo nger-term subscription.
oosing the best VPN for yo u, it 's more than just wh ether to go for aSt
art with the ba sics: how ma ny simultaneous co nnections can you ha ve? Are th ere pa rticular se curity pr otocols you wa nt to us e? Do es the pr ovider have servers in the pl aces yo u’ll wa nt to use it from and the pl aces you wa nt to co nnect to? How mu ch da ta will th ey log about yo u, and how lo ng do th ey keep it? Mo st im portant of al l, will you be ab le to un lock Netflix and Di sney Plus?Wh
erever po ssible try be fore you bu y. In so me ca ses, th ere wo n’t be a fr ee tr ial, but mo st re putable VPN pr oviders of fer a money-back gu arantee if the se rvice do esn’t me et your expectations.How we test VPN services
We test do
zens of VPN services to en sure th ey are sa fe, fast, and reliable en ough for us to re commend. Th is is do ne th rough ha nds-on ev aluations se veral ti mes th roughout the ye ar, so we can st ay on top of any changes.Wh
en it comes to se curity, we ch eck for any DNS le aks, both when the VPN is co nnected and when the ki ll sw itch is en gaged. We wa nt to ma ke su re no thing sn eaks th rough wh ile you're using one of our to p-rated VPNs.Pa
rt of our ev aluation pr ocess in cludes re ading the fi ne pr int of ea ch VPN se rvice's no -log po licy. So metimes th ere are co nditions wh ere a se rvice mi ght ho ld on to so me in formation, su ch as wh ich servers you co nnect to and how lo ng you use a VPN. Th is in formation is co llected so the se rvice kn ows wh ere to put ad ditional servers to prevent sl ow co nnections du ring pe ak ti mes. Co mpanies that co llect this in fo de lete it on ce it 's re ceived, and wo n't re cord or tag it as yo urs in or der to ma intain your on line privacy.We test the sp
eeds of the VP Ns we get our ha nds on. Us ing se veral on line sp eed test si tes, li ke nP erf and Sp eedTest, we co nnect to mu ltiple servers around the world no le ss than 120 ti mes. Th is gives us a good ov erall av erage sp eed that you can ex pect when you co nnect to the VPN.If th
ere are any sp ecialty ta sks a VPN cl aims to su pport, li ke to rrenting or tv st reaming, we ch eck it ou t. We 'll let you kn ow if th ere are any is sues we fi nd, li ke si tes that ar en't un blocked, or sl owdown du ring P2P tr ansfers so you are co mpletely in the kn ow be fore pi cking a VPN.Be st VPN FAQs
at is a VPN and why do I need it?Br
eaking do wn its ab breviation, a VPN st ands for 'v irtual pr ivate ne twork'. Its pr imary fu nction is to be tter im prove se curity and pr ivacy wh ile on line th rough any nu mber of your pe rsonal devices.It do
es this with its hu ndreds, so metimes th ousands, of se rvers. Co nnect to one of th ese and your IP ad dress will be ch anged, me aning you wo n't be ti ed to an IP your Internet Se rvice Pr ovider or go vernment can tr ack you on. It also ut ilizes encryption and ot her se curity features to en sure your pe rsonal in formation is ke pt se cure as it tr avels from A to B.By ch
anging your IP ad dress, this su bsequently ma kes you ap pear as if you're br owsing el sewhere. As well as bo asting be tter on line an onymity, this also me ans you can sp oof your de vice and ce rtain we bsites with ge o-restrictions into th inking you're el sewhere, ga ining ac cess to ov erseas co ntent and so on.Is using a VPN on
line legal?VPN services are legal in mo st countries (t hough wa tch out for the countries that do re gulate or ou tright ban the use of VP Ns). It's co mpletely le gal to ma sk your IP ad dress and en crypt your in ternet traffic.
ere is no thing about using a VPN th at's il legal and VPN services th emselves do not and ca nnot do an ything illegal.The only th
ing th at's il legal is if you we re to br eak the law wh ile using a VPN - for in stance if you we re to in fringe on someone's co pyright. But th at's the action of in fringement th at's il legal, not the use of the VPN.How se
cure are VPN services online?Th why pe . The ma ople ch oose to use a VPN in re ason to use a VPN on line is se curity - in th eory, the da ta that tr avels across your VPN sh ould be im possible for an ybody el se to in tercept, so it can pr otect your on line ba nking or co nfidential bu siness co mmunications - but th ere are ot her be nefits too.
ere are a lot of great reasonsVP
Ns can ma ke it mu ch ha rder for ad vertising to tr ack you on line, and th ey can ov ercome ge ography-specific blocks that prevent you from ac cessing so me co untry-specific services su ch as on line video.Wh
en we say that in th eory VP Ns ca n’t be in tercepted, th at’s because th ey are li ke any ot her fo rm of se curity: if you use th em on a de vice th at’s al ready be en co mpromised by ma lware su ch as ke yloggers or ot her se curity th reats th en th ey ca n’t do th eir job properly.If yo
u’re on Wi ndows, th en good qu ality, up to ot hwqicirccvagp an ti-virus so ftware is n’t a lu xury. It ’s ab solutely essential.Can a VPN re
ally ma ke you an onymous online?VP
Ns can ma ke your br owsing pr ivate, but that do esn’t ne cessarily me an yo u’re an onymous. VPN services can and do log tr affic (e ven the on es that say th ey do n’t log do need to log so me in formation, or th ey wo uldn’t be ab le to fu nction pr operly), and th ose lo gs can be re quested by the au thorities. Th ink of a VPN as being li ke cu rtains: pe ople ca n’t pe ek th rough your cu rtains if yo u’ve got th em cl osed, but cu rtains wo n’t hi de your house.Wh
at that me ans in pr actice is that VP Ns are fi ne for by passing ge o-blocks, for pr otecting your on line ba nking and for keeping bu siness co mmunications fr ee from in terception. Ho wever, if yo u’re using the in ternet to fi ght re pressive re gimes or to do an ything el se that co uld at tract the at tention of the au thorities wh ere you li ve, a VPN is not a ma gic wa nd th at’ll ma ke you invisible.Wh
at’s the di fference be tween a VPN and a proxy?A pr
oxy se rver is an other way to co nceal your re al lo cation. By tr ansferring da ta th rough a pr oxy se rver the da ta ap pears to be go ing to that se rver, not you - so for ex ample if yo u’re in the US and the pr oxy is in Sw itzerland, the we bsite or se rvice will th ink it ’s ta lking to a ma chine in Sw itzerland. The ma in di fference is that VP Ns pr otect all your tr affic wh ile pr oxies te nd to be li mited to sp ecific ty pes of da ta, su ch as pe er-to-peer ne tworking or web browsing.Can I tr
ust a fr ee VPN service?You get wh
at you pay fo r. Or ra ther, with fr ee services you te nd to get wh at you do n’t pay for in the fo rm of ad vertising, lo wer pr iority co nnections, blocks on da ta-hungry apps su ch as pe er-to-peer ne tworking, se ssion li mits, and in mo st ca ses, a la ck of any gu arantees about se rvice av ailability or quality.If you only wa best fr bu ee VPN ying guide?
nt to pr otect a laptop from time to time in a co ffee sh op a no -fee VPN will be fi ne, but for an ything more se rious we ’d re commend a pa id-for pr oduct. If you're in wh jdcjruwjx of a VPN wi thout co st, why not ch eck out ourMo
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